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Pest Control Company Serving Arcadia, CA

Hydrex Pest Control Inspector with customer in Pasadena, CA

Hydrex Pest Control & Termite Co. has cultivated a rich tradition of making pest-free homes, and we continue it by providing termite control for Arcadia, CA residents.

For over 70 years, we’ve put home and business owners’ minds at ease with our wide range of pest services. We serve residential and commercial properties with the same level of excellence.

If you’ve noticed an increase in ants lining your walls or hear rodents scurrying within your property’s interior, we will happily inspect the premises and develop a strategy to restore comfort and order.

Are you worried that your pest problem is beyond your control? Have no fear. Our team is here to answer your questions and address your concerns regarding pest control.


Comprehensive Pest Control Services Tailored for You

Safety is among our top priorities. You may have hesitancy about letting pest control products into your home or business. We’re here to reassure you with a promise to uphold safety during your service. We secure your home using premier Reduced Impact Services and low-toxicity products. Our team applies products in volumes proportionate to the job and laser targets the source of infestation to keep the rest of your property safe. Our products are entirely humane and fulfill services responsibly. Further, they are low odor to keep your property’s scent untainted. We are the best equipped to handle your next pest issue.

  • Residential Services
  • Commercial Services
  • Fumigation
  • Termite Treatments
  • Wood Repair
  • Attic Insulation

What Pests Do You Remove?

Few things feel more invasive and bothersome than discovering you have a pest issue. You may squirm at the sound of claws scratching and chirping. Or you might tire of swatting at the annoying flies and spiders turning your home into theirs. However, there are more significant concerns that a pest infestation can cause. Pests like termites cause home and business owners millions of dollars in structural damage yearly. Rodents can reside anywhere in your home and spread deadly diseases. We recommend scheduling an inspection upon suspecting that pests are inhabiting your property. We can serve you whether you need termite fumigation, a bed bug exterminator, rodent control, or beyond. We eliminate and prevent a wide range of pests, including:

Termite Control and Fumigation

You don’t want to wait long for help if you suspect or know your property has a termite problem. Termites are wood eaters that can cause structural damage and huge costs. We understand how significant an issue termite infestations are in this area, so we provide advanced services for treating properties and ridding them of this annoying, harmful pest. Our team has completed successful fumigations for homes and businesses area-wide. Our process involves identifying the source of the infestation, removing termites with safe-for-use and effective products, and implementing preventative measures to keep the pests from returning. We handle dry wood and subterranean termites, saving home and business owners thousands in property damage.

Local Pest Control for Arcadia, CA Residents

Families and businesses move to Arcadia, CA, because of its fantastic reputation. Residents love the city for its breathtaking houses and neighborhoods, an excellent place to live and thrive. Arcadia is also known for its high property values, so residents are especially vigilant about keeping their properties pest-free. If you live in an Arcadia home with an infestation, your property value could significantly decrease. We want to keep your home happy, healthy, and valuable, and we can do so by providing the top-rated pest control in the city. Please get in touch with us at any time for a pest service, and we will act quickly to stop it.

Rated Southern California’s Top Local Pest Control

We’ve made the communities we serve fantastic places to live since 1946. We understand the immense impact a pest infestation can have on your home and well-being. Our company provides the products, skilled professionals, and determination to end infestations. Our commitment to customer satisfaction, safety, and peace of mind has earned us a reputation as the best pest control company in the area. We look forward to continuing our legacy of exceptional service the next time a termite, rodent, or other animal invades your home. Please begin by contacting us for an inspection and a free estimate.